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Message Sujet du message: Hardware and speed
Publié: Mar 19 Juin 2018, 10:36 
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Inscription : Sam 16 Juin 2018, 9:03
Message(s) : 1

I have a 9800GT and ordering a gtx460 palit 2gb for the rendering part. My 9800 gives me a 1sspx/10seconds in path. Is my calculations correct in thinking that the 460 is 10.5 times faster that the 9800 due to it has 336 cores vs 32 cores? or dies the 460's 2nd gen cuda and fermi make it faster than 10.5X ? Only asking this because I am looking at indigo that supports cpu and gpu but not my budget. and on indigo i get a pretty high number with just my cpu. Any thoughts? Oh yes and is direct light fully biast? If so pretty sweet that octane is both.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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